Constructivists, Biocosmists,
and the New Human:
Technology and Philosophy
in Petrograd and Leningrad

Preliminary program
Wednesday, (Big hall, the hydraulic tower «TBoil - Polytech», Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29)
13:00-14:30 first input introductory lectures Alfred Nordmann
14:45 to 15:45 Иван Аладышкин Ivan Aladyshkin – Technoindividualism, pantechnalism, biocosmism
and other technical limits of anarchist thought in Russia (+trans OLga Sosnina, Iwan Nasedkin)
16:00 to 17:00 Антон Заморев Anton Zamorev – Dialectics: From Socrates to Losev (+trans Yuri Kotlyar, Alina Keshchyan)
17:30-19:00 the significance of Alexander Bogdanov which includes Lenin’s response to his “empiriomonism.”
Omar Koundi – Tektology
Stefan Günthner – Empiriomonismus-Empiriocriticism (on Bogdanov, Mach, Lenin)
Marius Gaukler – Red Star
Thursday, (Big hall, the hydraulic tower «TBoil - Polytech», Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29)
9:30-10:30 Светлана Ульянова Svetlana Ulyanova – Gastev's New Worker (trans Nikita Kychkin)
10:45-12:45 Constructivism – rethinking art, technology, society, and the human being with philosophical reconstruction of aesthetic practice.
Michaela Lestakova – Constructivism and Industrial Production with special consideration of Lyubov Popova
Kevin Logan – Laws of Construction with special consideration of Jakob Tschernikow, artist and engineer
Sven Thomas – Dziga Vertov and Walter Benjamin
14:00-15:00 Вера Серкова Vera Serkova – Nikolai Fedorov about the museum as a form of national memory (1886) (+trans
Ermakova Maria, Mehtieva Lamiya, Antipova Irina)
15-15-16-00 Ирина Березовская Irina Berezovskaya – The Development of Technocratic Ideas in Russia of the 20-30s.
(+trans Ermakova Maria, Mehtieva Lamiya, Antipova Irina)
16:15-17:45 Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky’s Theory of the Noosphere/Biosphere/Anthropocene –
as related to Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock (Gaia hypothesis), taken up in the philosophy of George Bataille.
Kathrin Hadasch – Noosphere -> Gaia and the Anthropocene (Lovelock, Crutzen)
Sulamith Weber – Vernadsky -> Bataille
18:00-19:45 Workshop with Наталья Ершова / Natalya Ershova – Constructivism: Short Review
Friday, (at «Etagi» in the Smolninsky Bread Factory, Ligovskii prospect, 74)
9:30-10:30 Виктория Лобатюк Victoria Lobatyuk – TRIZ (theory of solving inventive problems) in Leningrad
(+trans Iwan Nasedkin, Lera Enikeeva, Svetlana Novikova)
10:45-12:45 Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Motion,
Modelling of Biological Activity and Human Work – in contrast to Ivan Petrovich Pavlov’s conception,
and in relation to Meyerhold’s Biomechanics.
Sara Samir – Theory of Motion/Biomechanics
Yaroslava Solntseva - Biomechanics at the Meyerhold theater
14:00-15:00 Владислава Гайдук Vlada Gaiduk Biomechanics: Meyerhold and Bernstein
(+trans Iwan Nasedkin, Lera Enikeeva, Svetlana Novikova)
guided tour to Peter and Paul Citadel
Saturday, (Big hall, the hydraulic tower «TBoil - Polytech», Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29)
9:30 to 11:30 Visions of “The New Human Being” in Russia with its reception in the West.
N.N. – Anthropotechnics in the early Soviet Union
Meike Wiegand - Lyssenkoism
Noah Sproß - Trotsky. conception of the New Human
Marie-Luise Birlenberg – Trotsky. Art, technology, nature
12:00 to 14:00 Lev Semjonovich Vygotsky and his culturological gestalt theory and on „speaking and thinking“ –
building on Vygotsky, Georgij Schedrovitsky formulated his „Methodology“ as a technological process of thinking –
influential until today for Russian innovation theory (cf. TRIZ theory).
Irina Deryuga – Vygotsky -> Schredovitsky
Thilo Kogge – Gestalt theory -> machine learning
14:00-15:00 wrap-up/conclusions
Yaroslava Solntseva Biomechanics at the Meyerhold theater
Yaroslava Solntseva Biomechanics at the Meyerhold theater
The program is being developed
March 18th - March 21th 2019
The conference program will appear soon