machine's music
's “Mechanical dances”: in one, the illusion of movement of a train with a steam locomotive was created, in another number, eight actors depicted a rail-laying machine and a rail suspended above the canvas
opera Victory over the sun (1913)
's costumes and scenery
victory of technology and power over the elements and the romance of nature, replacing the natural, imperfect sun with a new man-made, electric light.
"For tectology, the unity of experience is not “found”, but created by an actively organizational way"
In this world and for cognition, it will be easy to combine the whole amount of human experiences into harmoniously-integrated, infinitely plastic forms in which the experience of each organically merges with the experience of all
Technique does not produce a specific product, but the very unpredictability of the future, the future as such, being nothing more than a time machine. "Breath of technology" is the "aroma of revolution"
"Country Anarchy" (1919), "country" - a technical object (there are no laws of state or nature that limit and govern technical arbitrariness).
There are five anarchist suns (which go out not in the natural life cycle of stars, but if oppression resumes in the Land of Anarchy), five technical mountains, five invented seas
AO (that means invention) is universal language: "
’1’З — 0’12’З’З, ’2’52’2, ’5 4’2’4’11 1’521’225 4’110’12’З’З, 2’55 ’421’5’11’ — 5’13’ 41 4’11’4 ’141’50’3 5’22 0’12’3’543’3’3".
“Yes, actually we are immortal, there is no death, we live as much as we want, and we end our life with the will” (Country Anarhy, 1919)
"Organization is the line along which technical, muscle and nervous machines move quickly."
.... Turn off the sun for half an hour.
Write in the night sky 20 kilometers of words.
Decompose consciousness into 30 parallels.
Make read 20 kilometers in 5 minutes.
Turn on the sun
's cyclogram
construction of
for the play of

the first root of evil of individual and social life lies in death (localism in time), the second root of the same evil is localism in space <...>. Even internationalism, after all, is only localism in the universe.
"We are waiting for millions of interjections on Mars and other planets. We think that from biocosmic interjections a biocosmic language will be born, common to the whole earth, to the whole cosmos"
project "Flying City". 1928

Project of the Institute of Library Studies (1927)
Resurrection is a natural requirement of human nature, and it was fulfilled as far as man was the son of man, and it was not fulfilled because there was an animal in man. The duty of resurrection, the duty to the fathers, the filial duty, as it can be called, appeared in the world together with man. For the resurrection, a person rose up, took an upright position,