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Marshak, S. the Seven wonders. Drawings by M. Tsekhanovsky

L.-M., Raduga, 1926.

12 pages with illustrations.

Circulation of 20,000 copies.

In a color lithographed publishing cover.

21, 8x18, 7 cm.

Marshak, S. the Seven wonders. Raduga publishing house, Leningrad-Moscow, drawn By M. Tsekhanovsky (Book cover)

Seven wonders

The first miracle

Here is the green mountain.

There's a deep hole in it.

What a miracle! What a miracle!

Someone ran out of there

On wheels and with a pipe,

The tail is dragging.

The second miracle

There's a boy on the corner,

He keeps the bag under his arm

And says to passersby:

- The city of Tokyo is burning.

- Eruption

- Death of the Turkish Sultan.

- A bridge collapsed in Amsterdam,

He crushed the herring's tail.

- Defeat of Zhang-Tao-Lin.

Ah Yes, the boy is a good boy:

Never been abroad,

And I got all the news!

The third miracle




With a couple of inches.

The sisters live in the tower-

Guess what their names are.

In order of all the sisters

Release into the open,

Take them carefully,

Head on the wall tinder.

It's a neat one and two-

Your head will light up.

The fourth miracle

As on the streets in the capital

Knocking and ringing and confusion.

One after the other in a line

Rushing red houses.

They reach the outskirts,

Then they run back.

The owner is sitting in front

And he kicks the alarm.

Turns smartly

Handle in front of the window,

Where the words " stop»,

Stops the house.

Every now and then to the Playground

People enter from the street.

And the mistress in order

He gives everyone tickets.

The fifth miracle

The friend of my heart-buddy

In the tea trust, the Chairman:

The whole family in the evening

He treats us to tea.

The guy is big and strong,

It swallows wood chips without harm.

Though not very tall,

And puffs like a steam engine.

The sixth miracle

Write the young ladies in the office

No ink and no pen.

For you, writing is a misery,

And for them, one game.

Young ladies write in print,

It is pleasant to look at them, -

No smudge, no stain,

All pages as one.

The seventh miracle

The yellow house at the gate.

Guess who lives in it.

A narrow crack on the roof,

Not even a mouse can fit through it.

Who will get into this house,

He'll be there for half an hour,

And then, faster than a bird,

In a noisy train will rush,

Without knowing where,

Through villages and cities,

Across the steppes, across the mountains,

Across rivers and lakes…

And where will he come, -

Only the postman knows.





Маршак С. Семь чудес. Рисунки М. Цехановского:


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