N. E. Radlov about the magazine "Thing"
Nikolai Ernestovich Radlov (1889-1942) - graphic artist, artist, art critic, teacher. Winner of the Stalin Prize of the second degree ....
N. E. Radlov about the magazine "Thing"
Friedrich Hitzer "Siberian Summer"
MIKHAIL KURTOV Russia and Europe: breakdowns and repairs
VKHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN and Bauhaus in the second half of the 1920s. To the history of links.
Fraternization symbol - a ring with the initials of a Russian and a German soldier
The Wassily chair
German vs Russian worker
Kandinsky's activities in the Bauhaus (1922-1923)
The magazine "Thing-Gegenstand-Objet" (1922)
K. Malevich's Suprematism porcelain
She had a heart of gold. She had a tragic life story...