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Friedrich Hitzer "Siberian Summer"

Writer's picture: Храмов ДанилХрамов Данил

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

"Friedrich Hitzer"

Friedrich Hitzer was born on January 9, 1935 in Ulm. In the 1950s, he studied in the United States, in Oklahoma, at the Faculties of American Studies and Russian Studies.

He completed an internship at Moscow University. M.V. Lomonosov, from where he was expelled, both for his excessive love of freedom and for his love for one Russian girl

The Russian government, represented by A. Karachevtsev, Consul General of the Russian Federation, awarded Friedrich Hitzer with the A.S.Pushkin. Medal for his contribution to the development of German-Russian relations. During his trips to the USSR, the writer visited cities such as Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo and Mezhdurechensk.In his book, the author talks about everyday life, rest, life and customs of the Soviet people.The book was published in 1983

Claudia Fedotovna


"As we shook hands, I was suddenly overcome by anxiety. Never before have I perceived the words "peace", "the peace must be saved" as I do now."



"It is not enough for a working person just to make money, that he also needs moral satisfaction and that he gets the greatest satisfaction when his proposals are put into practice."

Laying the last rail link

"We do not have enough hands, we have a lot of things to do. And we still threaten someone?"

Computing center of an automated production

process control system


Underground laboratory of the Permafrost Institute

"let's be frank. A person who has completed his tenth year, who knows Soviet and foreign literature well, plays a musical instrument, has studied mathematics and physics - will he take a shovel in his hands with enthusiasm? No."


Air ambulance helicopter

"Some enterprises do not have enough labor force. Why? First of all, because we do not have enough workforce at all"


"... and with eye to eye, you immediately see what hurts someone. But such a conversation turns out when there is trust, respect for each other."

Newlyweds at the obelisk of the discoverer of

the Samotlor oil field


"People cannot help but ask themselves the question, why is there so much fear and hatred on earth? Isn't there enough room to agree with each other?"

International crew of the Soyuz-28 spacecraft Alexey Gubarev (left) and Vladimir Remek


Kindergarten in Zapsib

"... This whole mixture of exploitation and fear of people seems, when viewed from above, inhuman, funny and cruel."


Lev Reznikov with his wife Lydia

"Don't trust those over 30 years old. Nobody!"

Sources: Harold Griffin - Friedrich Hitzer/Soviet frontiers of the future \\ Siberian summer


Фридрих Хитцер "Сибирское лето"

"Когда мы пожимали друг другу руки, мною неожиданно овладело чувство тревоги. Никогда раньше я не воспринимал так, как сейчас, слова «мир», «нужно сохранить мир»."

"Человеку труда недостаточно лишь зарабатывать деньги, что ему необходимо еще и моральное удовлетворение и что он получает наибольшее удовлетворение, когда его предложения претворяются в жизнь."

"А с глазу на глаз сразу видишь, что у кого болит. Но получается такой разговор тогда, когда есть доверие, уважение друг к другу."

"...люди не могут не задать себе вопрос, зачем на земле столько страха и ненависти? Разве мало места, чтобы договориться друг с другом?"

"...вся эта смесь эксплуатации и страха людей кажется, если смотреть на это сверху, нечеловеческой, смешной и жестокой."

"Будем откровенны. Человек, закончивший десятилетку, хорошо знающий советскую и зарубежную литературу, играющий на музыкальном инструменте, изучивший математику и физику, — возьмет ли он с воодушевлением в руки лопату? Нет."

"Нам не хватает рук, у нас дел непочатый край. И мы еще при этом угрожаем кому-то?"

"На некоторых предприятиях не хватает рабочей силы. Почему? Прежде всего потому, что у нас вообще не хватает рабочей силы."

ИсточникиГарольд Гриффин-Фридрих Хитцер/Советские рубежи будущего\\ Сибирское лето

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