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Tango with сows

Writer: Анри ОганнисянАнри Оганнисян

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

The Cubo-Futurists also actively used compositional and graphic effects in their poetry. One of the most famous futurist publications was V. Kamensky's Tango with Cows (1914). The book has an unusual - pentagonal - shape. It was printed on cheap yellow wallpaper as a sign of protest against luxury bourgeois editions, which was fundamental for the Budetians. In addition, the yellow color is irritating (even W. Kandinsky wrote: "From the lemon-yellow ear hurts, as from the high sound of the flute, cinnabar attracts, like fire, the eye seeks rest in the blue and green"), which the authors of the book sought. However, according to the critics' observations, "the vulgar material of desperately sharp, bourgeois wallpaper has turned into an unexpected sophistication in the book, enriching it with lush color."

The title itself, "Tango with Cows," is evocative. Tango at the time was perceived as a somewhat frivolous dance. The more epathetic must have sounded "Tango with cows". The subtitle "reinforced concrete poems" is also characteristic. Reinforced concrete is a new building material of the technical twentieth century. It was just beginning to come into use, and the futurists, with their rebellion against the symbolists' sweet-sounding euphemisms, picked up this new word from the lexicon of building technology. In addition, the poems in this book by Kamensky are as if assembled, made up of separate blocks of chapters. Almost each of the poems was one page in size and fit on one page. And this made it possible to read and see the entire poem at the same time.

Vasily Kamensky ,Iron poems, tango with cows, drawings Vlad and David Burlyukov Moscow 1914 Edition by D. D. Burlyuk, publisher of the 1st Russian Futurist Journal

Vladimir Burlyuk

Shower,water,splashing elephant,heel,tile,smell,broom,dripping tears ceiling,rag,slippery knees,sorry old man,leak,shoulders,tap,hot,husband,tap,cold,wives,baths,bathtubs,laundry bathtub,steam,belly hanging,steam,back dull,soap,gullet,steam,slippery,slime,bathing man,steamy thought,looking for more crispy gristle,sheet piggy,mirror,carriageman

Flew out the light, the first magazine of Russian futurists, futurists all over Russia, the editors Vasily Kamensky, publisher David Burlyuk, editorial committee D. Burlyuk, K. Bolshakov, V. Mayakovsky, V. Shershenevich, dugout novel of Vasily Kamensky, St. Petersburg publishing house 1910

Phone №2B128 who ah yes I'm 38 and 5 , and the sensitive one isn't, what's in 415 07-14-9 and 03--67-noise street, spring ,somewhere far away the peace and the fields well, don't they're bringing in the iron 14--092 music, cars, procession Oh, I see, I read the 27th, 6175 meters. ♪ hanging oars of merry-go-round call horizons and where are you ♪

David Burlyuk

Tango with cows life is shorter than a sparrow's squeak is there a dog floating on an ice floe on a spring river with tinny merriment We look at fate pulled down by a sea knot of loneliness We are the discoverers of lands, the fishworms of the jungle. kings of orange groves and cattle breeders maybe a glass of wine to the health of the expiring planets or better yet get a gramophone to hell with you.

Comols and irons I want alone to dance the tango with cows and flip the piss from tears of bull jealousy to tears of a crimson girl

The call of the cocophone shower of motors symphony I am a futurist songwriter and aviator pilot Vasily Kamensky with an elastic propeller screwed into the clouds throwing there for a visit to a flabby death coquette out of pity sewn tan mantle and stockings with pantaloons

Barefoot on nettles childhood (this poem was written in Perm on the pier, when I was 11 years old) 1884 on the Kama, on a rock, Vasily Kamensky april 5 before easter from the golden searches to the tug wharf dubimov whistles of steamers, at night the splashes of the plies and on the dreams of the lights we are alone. give anchors from the miracles the three huddled under one blanket Vasily Alyosha and Petya

On the wharf they were shouting into the horns from some country were docking and barging.We were tired by the sacks and crates in the red labs. All drowned the smell of home remained and beckons for whom to fish.Silchu choo-chu-grasshopper tomorrow sunday we have to get up very early in the fog, suddenly a steamer by the window and watermelons

Сinematography palm trees through the palms of the coconut heat light walnut waltz on the hills of manchuria, children, wind, baskets, snake charmer dark ocean ball on the ship, the table song of traviata, fire panic in the cabins company radio telegraph saves (when the evening with liquor coffee in the veils scented cigars she) car uve I know but remember one 9

The world's first book of poetry enverbay don't hit the pigeons, macaque grimaces of Negroes, Constantinople grape stanza, fezes, sailors, cables, wasps. minarets nare, Germany France Russia anzia, ramza, amza, hierasulim, from sun 6+8+1+12+0+4 and I and I and I, shore Bosporus coffee. piasters asters, market Greeks Persians

Kabare,zones,apache,negroes,gypsies,italians,tavern,roses,girls,ears,fruit,singing,music,laughter,money,feathers,champagne,we drink ta . tango fried almonds far africa heat,gona,yearning,party,chansonette love,bald voice luesa #606-oz B automob,chof.We tchalma mooch turkish cafe orchestra lived entrance 1 p,exit 1000 ru.go away sun lie down the coast of bosfor

Mask poem piano I l.Seagulls Monet flowers no shadow drapri with me fruits of the day wine fruits.Futur Pablo Picas Spaniard Majorcan Islands violin skull flute in the morning bathing.Cezanne remained understandable Mount St. the music of the world the smell of the path is one. The art palace Schukin the stairs of Matisse Picass, the garden of Luxembourg blue-beauty-jol the fragrance of the forest the dance of nasturtium Arabic coffee. van gogh arena pissarro fauconnier, denis derain meunier. a vase of flowers, youth is near, I love stoneflies, the beginning of a picassomic arrival

David Burlyuk

Skating, faces pouring cliques rollers rabbits koroliki murmuring murmuring tables snowing. Wind flags jumps jumps jumps coca cat abyss of jaws pimp electr.and we minds thoughts waltz who she feet carnation narcissus rose. Trek tailcoat gloves tie tangko gentlemen, pierrot, walls, raja ottoman, English parting of the instructor. Piros only aferm

A little fog and then a thrill of greatness above the city blue turn towards the sun is bright. horizons grow light streaks of fields run higher suddenly easily the earth rolled away the wind shudder or wings, there is a contact started a propeller, an airfield, a crowd of a mechanic is bustling. Vasya Kamensky's flight on an airplane in Warsaw




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Кубофутуристы также активно использовали композиционные и графические эффекты в своей поэзии. Одним из самых известных футуристических изданий стала книга В. Каменского "Танго с коровами" (1914). Книга имеет непривычную – пятиугольную – форму. Она напечатана на дешевых комнатных обоях желтого цвета в знак протеста против роскошных буржуазных изданий, что имело для будетлян принципиальный характер. Кроме того, желтый цвет раздражает (еще В. Кандинский писал: "От лимонно-желтого уху больно, как от высокого звука флейты, киноварь притягивает, как огонь, глаз ищет покоя в синем и зеленом"), чего и добивались авторы книги. Однако, по наблюдениям критиков, "вульгарный материал из отчаянно-резких, мещанских обоев обернулся в книге неожиданной изысканностью, обогатил ее сочным цветом".

Вызывающим является само название – "Танго с коровами". Танго в то время воспринимался как танец несколько фривольный. Тем более эпатирующе должно было звучать "танго с коровами". Характерен и подзаголовок – "железобетонные поэмы". Железобетон – это новый строительный материал технического ХХ века. Он только начинал входить в обиход, и футуристы, с их бунтом против сладкозвучных эвфемизмов символистов, подхватили это новое слово из лексикона строительной техники. Кроме того, поэмы в этой книге Каменского как бы собраны, составлены из отдельных блоков-глав. Почти каждая из поэм размером была в одну страницу и умещалась на одной странице. И это позволяло одновременно читать и видеть всю поэму.


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