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May 16, 202212 min read
Energetic Abstraction: Ostwald, Bogdanov, and Russian Post-Revolutionary Art
"Thermodynamics and its extensions into energetics as it was presented in the works of Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) and the systems...
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Apr 1, 202212 min read
How the design of Meyerhold's play «The generous cuckold» worked
The premiere of «The generous cuckold» took place in Moscow on April 25, 1922. This French farce of Krommelink, prepared by Meyerhold and...
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Константинова Полина
Nov 19, 20209 min read
Vkhutemas + Bauhaus: On Common Origins, Different Futures, and Creation with Fire
The article is based on a video lecture by Anna Bokova "Vkhutemas + Bauhaus: On common origins, different futures, and creation with...
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Valeriya Kozodaeva
Apr 29, 20203 min read
L.S. Popova. A keen sense of the beauty of geometric shapes
“L.S. Popova belonged to those people who, once having embarked on their chosen path, do not hesitate, do not retreat, do not change. ”
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Apr 25, 20204 min read
Constructivism in the textile industry: the work of L. Popova and V. Stepanova
In 1923, constructivist artists Lyubov Popova and Varvara Stepanova responded to an ad in the Pravda newspaper and came to work at the...
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Michaela L
Apr 16, 202010 min read
Constructivism and Lyubov Popova
Let us move back in time to the Moscow of the 1920s. Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish philosopher and Essayist who visited Moscow at the...
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Екатерина Лебедева
Apr 11, 20205 min read
VKhUTEMAS - workshop for artists and technicians
VKhUTEMAS is a higher art educational institution established in 1920 in Moscow. It was formed as a result of the merger of the First...
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Екатерина Лебедева
Apr 9, 20205 min read
Bright statements of constructivist ideas at the exhibition «5х5=25»
"5x5=25" was an avant-garde art exhibition held in September 1921 in Moscow. Many modern sources mistakenly indicate that "5x5=25" is a...
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Alexey Andreev
Mar 13, 20206 min read
Meyerhold's spinning wheels
On the evening of the first performance of "the Magnanimous Cuckold", people who filled the theater hall saw a strange-looking wooden...
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Kate Palinchuk
Mar 11, 20208 min read
Сonstructivist innovations at the Meyerhold Theater
The director Vsevolod Meyerhold saw the theater task in full impact on the viewer, involving him in the play. Such a theater adopted the...
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