At the exhibition "Electrification. 100 Years of the GOELRO Plan" you will hear literary works dedicated to electrification. At the beginning of the exhibition is Mikhail Gerasimov's optimistic "Elektropoem", full of happiness about the union with electricity. You can see a fragment of the work, voiced by actor Yuri Pavlov, at Zubovsky Boulevard, and read the full text below.
I. – Soil
Here I came to you.
I witness as you sweat with spring passion,
Awaiting for fertilization,
Awaiting for the dust of golden grains.
I see – a shining
Of black and fiery eyelashes colored green
Until horizon,
There, where unrested flocks of other plowmen loom
And fervently kissing you with their feet.
My scream splatters,
Or of any other being:
- Soil,
- A great beloved of mine!
I kiss your snowy glaucous eyes
And streams splashing with happiness,
Atop of laughing hillock cheeks,
In flowers, in flowers.
I kiss your conceived body,
Fertilized by beams and seeds,
With golden bloom at your chest.
The answer is:
- Inside of you I am,
Inside your horse, plowman
There I am, clattering down thousands of thousands roads
Both terral and orbital,
There I am, spreading out in laughter
On ploughshare keenly polished.
I am your thought,
Curling through the fields that are yet to come
With aerial seeding
And electrical irrigation.
Above horizons
Claw-looking smoky paws
Of pipes from burgs.
Grabbing by hair of straw
From black earth stripes…
II. Above the iron masses,
Stone buildings,
My own home
As steelflame telescope
Till skies a pipe arises.
The blue abyss chatters
With mirages and pouts,
From fire and steam roar groans.
But she,
Sealed eternally,
Brings closer milky mists
From within the ethereal ocean,
Brings the worlds right before me.
I could take every star
With my palms
And could press every radiance by my eyes.
Revealing secrets
Even for the straw brains.
Teaching wisdom – kind mother,
A darling, domain-one.
How much love would be put in
By prevailing of truth above lies,
Mankind incurable infatuation
The first one.
Put your ear closer and you`ll feel,
Raging of heart of fire and steel.
The buildings shutter –
Electric pulses in bricks and layers.
In nerves and glands both simple and metal.
The source of labor,
Leaking energy from every cell.
I scream to her:
- So rough! Anticipating milky foliages,
Golden shadows of other gardens,
Through you I foresee what`s yet to come
In constellations of villages and cities.
O, songs of mine, keep ringing,
Burn with rainbow, jingle!
My heart as star in zenith,
Got to know the noon and horizon.
III. And when the pipe smokes –
On my shoulders
Black strands descend
Out of a dark shawl pulled down to eyebrows.
Leaking from sparkling eyes
Radium emanation.
Embraced with flames
A smile pours
Of mother’s passion and bliss.
Praying to love and wisdom.
Sparks dripping down on my face like tears.
It starts blooming with spring.
I`m feeling their stinging caress.
With muscles and lips drinking
Electric milk and rays.
A horn.
Such a mighty melodiousness!
- Isn’t it your son screaming?
In thermic incandescence
My aluminum bones are ringing,
- Take me on your knees,
Lull me like a son.
IV. Embraced with smoke,
Beloved one,
Don`t let me suffocate,
Through you I’m foreseeing unseeable
I`m foreseeing hereafter
In the infrared light.
Life is attraction,
Two yearning electrons
Divided in inconceivable whirling,
Impossibly seeking their unity.
V. Every morning
Summer lightnings shivers –
Flashes of thought –
Dawning sky is thinking above town.
And then suddenly a siren –
Pink film of dawn,
A blanket over the black brains of soil,
Ripped apart the roar of iron beast.
- Everyone to cast iron woods!
To cast iron woo-ooo-ooo-ds!
Doors started slamming
Restless and clear, -
Crawling out of stone lairs.
Stains and shadows are jumping among granite,
Cobbles are sprouted with them.
Black and blue stone
Is running above the ashes of roads.
So, I also rushed like a tongue of flame
In stone glades
Between the spurs.
I`m seeing a campfire
Scattered across hundreds of streets,
It is flowing towards one place.
Has control over us:
- Everyone to cast iron woods!
Brick walls,
Gateways and pipes –
Red glades.
Stone stamens
Of belfry and towers
Soaking up rays
And atmospheric charges.
Pierced by lightning rays’ crosses,
Their metallic fingers
Are tickling the clouds and catching lightnings.
VI. The factory awakes
From the motion of blueish waves,
Streams of dark blue flames
Flickering, just like a sea mass.
Machines and tools
Lurking monsters
- Power on!
Copper paws are pierced with juice,
Cast iron jaws are in motion.
Somewhere under the roof starts prickle song,
From poured bodies,
Blood of 37 degrees and higher –
Temperature is rising.
Arises buzzing boil.
The solemn humming of machine
It is – a beating of an iron heart.
Metallic forest rustles,
Sparkles with its branches and foliage.
The lightning meanders,
The air is full of smell of thickened thunderstorm.
It tickles nostrils.
The boas of belt are diving through.
Energy overwhelms
Across cast iron windbreaks:
- Comrades!
That word slipped through within beams.
Golden sawdust swarming in the air.
The words spark with flares,
Grappling into mighty glow:
- Comrades!
Here and there it shutters, filling the workshops.
Shining through metal of machines
And human bodies.
- Comrades!
Thousands of chests breathed in its drunken flow
Of metal forest.
Soft sawdust under my boot – the moss.
Many legs unfolding
Fallen leaves –
Copper shavings
And silver petals.
Collecting bouquets
They are covered in pollen
Exuding fragrances
Aluminum, lead, zinc –
Their scents.
Under my caliper starts crumbling
The fragrant pine bark, it flawed
And cedar one
Through muscles strength surged through.
Opposite of me – a girl.
Her machine – a plane prepared for take-off.
- Hello! – short and brief.
Welcoming eyes bathed me
With rays of light.
Ginger hairs flowing down from shoulders
With copper flames.
I want to say:
- Let me stroke their electric foam
I sense –
The sparks will flare under the palm,
The current will blast through the nerves,
Will froth the blood.
All muscles tense and trembling.
I`m breaking down.
Each moment
Millions of ions
They run out with force.
Storm explosions in the blood.
I`m feeling an eruption
Of horsepower out of me
They pour into the metals of machines
Into work.
Recharging with some stale bread.
Swallowing piece by piece
Of condensed sunlight
And forces of the soil.
The smell of sun and fields
Is flaring nostrils
They widen like buds,
Immediately bloomed.
A flame within me –
Power juices across a thousand streams
Translucent through the blood and muscles.
I`m loaded for a new work.
There are aluminum rods and tubes under my arms
Looking like enlarged eyes
Of swan feathers
Fluff flows from under the incisors,
Melts in bugle.
It snorts in our faces
With blood of rowan bunches.
VII. My love unknown,
My friends and others – know
I`m hugging a dynamo,
Its elastic parts.
The iron pulses singing
Is so carbon.
I can feel the beating of an electric heart,
Its pushes and punches.
Unopened responding shiver
Flashing in me.
Virgin and flourishing.
- Look, look,
What a power waterfalls
In copper veins under the skin
Dynamo blood
Foaming and gurgling.
What a fortune it is to cad
To meet this sun!
Darling, dear one,
I can sense:
Lips as an electric spring,
Its splashes
And frothy boiling
Beating right in my heart.
My warmth beams,
Runs into the brass skin.
Fever of light,
Current flows
Are shooting through me.
I`m feeling cold with my lips
Of polished metal.
I breathe in deeply
A pungent cannabis scent.
The golden dust is oozing from the brushes
Tickling my face
With magnetic eyelashes.
Beloved one,
Incomprehensible, fast tremble of the movement,
My hair covered with phosphorescent sparks
Swaying under the electric wind.
Conception in the depths of the inhuman dear,
Moves and pushes
Inside the mother`s womb,
Vibration of the germ
Of cosmic voltage forces
In millions of volts.
The voice:
- beware the deadly kiss!
Fiery claws piercing the body.
Everything trembles and sings within me.
Electric hair
Splatters blizzy in my face
In a transparent shine
Two bodies –
Metallic and human
Freezing in the mystery of fusion.
I`m seeing,
Seeing it is closed
I`m pouring into global depths
Of spectral eyes.
Through the steam pores
Penetrating the unseeable,
Splitting the mystical
My ultraviolet gaze.
Love is the flow
Of electric flame within me
And machine blood of iron.
Love is a shuddering movement
Of light and current.
VIII. The sun pierced the glass,
Her hands flashed with gold,
It is a dust of red cooper,
It sits also on our faces.
Bright grapes of her pupils,
Bathed by blue smokes
They radiate an unusual brilliance.
Constellations of other gazes
Being crossed,
Like sharp spotlights.
Good and evil,
Minus and plus.
Joy boils up in me
And there is no need for words.
You and I are atoms,
Are specs of one great soul,
Of all of these,
A collective.
Every head is in radiance
Of radioactive radiation.
Fountains and waves flow from brains,
In smoke and scattered light
The atoms swarm,
Piercing metallic.
Round dances of lifted stars
Spinning and colliding.
Rhythmical fall and flights,
Down and up,
On the unseeable orbits of feelings and thoughts.
In this closed space
A starry stockpile of heads.
Thoughts tensed till impossible
Becoming visible, alike rays.
The gears are pulling
Those glowing strings
From head to head,
They are trembling with musical sound.
The heart became enormous,
Beating metallic,
All the machines and factories in the world
Fight within it.
Radioactive radiation
Splashes out of my eyes,
Ebulliently dripping down the forehead.
I lean over mystery,
With insight and tension of will
I`m tearing its veil with the force,
Because I`m charged by the work,
I`m charged by the love.
It piled up in me, so sensitive,
Like a spark in hookup,
It rolled up like an undischarged thunderstorm,
And awaits for other piercing electron.
As long as I can carry her in my palms
Under the microscope of my pupils.
I feel:
I am the mighty Ruhmkorff spiral.
A winding of thousand-mile nerves
Is penetrated by toque.
Billions of ions
Completing their rotation there –
Around world orbits.
Higher, volts,
Arise, unrepressed will!
Have more universal faith.
A heart,
Pump up the amps
Into villages and cities.
Countless wires
Have webinated the earth.
In America and Australia.
Pulsating of lightning blood
And millions are also feeling its beat
Near, near the heart
Like me.
In astral round dances,
On Mars and in the constellations of Lyra,
In every pilgrim nebula of the world
There is a splashing of electric blood
Put your heart to it – you will feel…
IX. Factory and city are left behind,
Boiling of brawl right after back.
I know, there are April rains swinging,
Slicking down with twin tongues
Kremlin wounds – splashes of metal,
Scars on walls and facades.
Not squealing from convulsive shots
And lightnings.
And there is no need.
I believe in something else.
The itching pain of mine
That poured from separation.
I`m swallowing with miles spring and atmosphere.
Love and struggle,
Labor and love –
Three great Bastilles,
Which were not taken by storm.
A hundred faced old-one sprouts there
In cafes and boulevards.
Predatory faces are swinging in packs
Above tables,
Above maidens’ meat.
I`ve set my sails away,
Along the way – a dawn.
They’ve cut off from the factory
My anchors.
Whirl in the boil of the spring!
I feel the dynamo yearns,
It`s there, like a torn heart of mine,
Expires, trembles and beats
In someone else`s hands
I am the flown off plane aluminum sheet,
Swirled in the blue boil of spring,
Descending, descending
Until the claws of the forest –
The bushes got me hooked.
X. Loneliness and forest.
I`m building a hut.
It is full of spring juices.
When I`m laying down on the old mosses,
Ferments flawing down on me
Seeping through the bark of my clothes
Also, in me the intoxicating fermentation of juices.
Two friends are beyond me –
An axe and a gun.
And so, I am calm.
Steel particle machine –
The soul of factory presence is here.
Under a beam flowing through branches
A polished one smiles at me
Shared a welcoming nod:
You are not alone,
You are not alone!
The stream of golden-green light expands
And sways.
It seems to me. –
Like ginger strands of hair spilled into the gap.
Electric fire caresses me
Curling and dissolving.
A shot.
The gray eagle falls at my feet.
Minium splashed over fluttering wings,
The spill the cups of flowers,
Infused with blue and white light.
This smile of light
Spills for last time
Into its eyes
And extinguishes the beating of life.
Dying is a shifting of electrons
Non-renewable expiration.
I`m not alone,
My ear picks up a pulse
Under every crust.
Currents are rising from deepest roots
Towards the heights
And descend
They rub against me.
With hot cheek
I`m caressing the odorous skins of trunks
And feeling responding,
Magnetic flutter.
I believe, dynamo!
Green palms of foliage,
Stroking my face.
I can clearly read
The thoughts of plants.
I raise my hands towards the sky
And the forest throws up its hands
And the sun accepts
This strong vowel of life.
XI. I`m seeing the playing spiders
In transparent silver nets,
Like drops of mercury,
They are rolling towards each other
Spinning, merging, repelling.
I`m in love with a lonely tree
With thousands of green palms,
Stretched towards the sun.
I`m in love with crowds of trees
Swinging round dances.
A touch of outstretched fingers
Covered in fragrant resin as sweat,
With ringing drops.
The lips of flowers have swelled with sweet juice,
They are stretching on tiptoes,
Swallowing with opened mouths
Fertile pollen
Out of sparking of blue day.
I hear a thousand of rustling kisses.
Collecting sparks of seeds with eyelashes
From cups and petals,
I`m touching pistils and stamens.
XII. Every morning from a nearby village
A girl comes to my hut.
I`m trading fowl for milk.
With morning dawn
So accidently and expected
This field girl sprouts
Under the green roof of my house.
Golden and thin – she is a ripe ear,
Smell of wheat flows out of her.
Braids sway heavily –
Mellow sheaf
Filled with grain.
I also notice:
A tremble of pearly dew drops
On bare feet.
On light nails
Sanded by grass.
She touched once,
Stroked the leather jacket on me
Which preserved the sparks of iron dust.
She swiftly pulled her hand away –
Her cheeks immediately swelled
With exploding red flame,
It was the current that spurted out of me.
She disappeared with an animal leap,
Have shouted:
-Tomorrow – the ploughing!
This flash exposed my soul.
Wheat smell
Has watered with electrojuice
My salivary glands.
XIII. Gigantic sun gear arises,
Colored crimson of tension.
Grappled with the globe.
The wastes are smoky,
Dewy meadows and clouds
Rhythmic running of rays
From golden claws
Filled the atmosphere with shimmer.
Leaves, birds and folks
By the power of motion
Are knocked out of the dazing of sleep.
Spasm of cheerfulness
Penetrates every muscle,
Every nerve of a plant.
The sky trembles and shimmers –
As molten blue aluminum.
- Spring, you are stroking my hair in vain
And by kisses of winds
Blushing my cheeks.
I`m hearing a voice of iron.
Of another beloved one.
I`m seeing the plants grow
And mature instantly, ready for love.
The stems are stretching,
Freezing in kisses
Every bud, every flower,
Is a little dynamo,
That sprinkles seed and odor,
Infused with dust
And bright electric juices of passion.
- Are you thinking about someone else?
Don`t you just notice me?
Her cannabis scent
Has brought me out of my daze.
- Oh, no, I`m just not poisoned with henbane,
That steppe sleepy grass.
Forgive me,
Sometimes I`m thinking about someone else.
But you are also a miracle
Just like this golden blade of grass.
She trembles with love.
And I love her.
Loose hair
Sways across shoulders
With copper flame.
A whole fire spilled from the head.
Green eyes are attracting –
Two magnets.
I want to merge together with them.
I`m seeing thousands of pupils
Of buds and stems.
Nature intensely gazes upon us.
A falcon is hung in the skies,
Swaying crisscross
On the golden webs of the rays.
Peering in.
The birds are seeking each other,
Excitedly calling with shrieks.
Magnetic waves are flowing from females,
They spray them with their wings,
The circles running for miles away.
Behind each, an invisible flame foams,
Comet tails swept through space
In a thousand directions
Where drunken males
Are diving recklessly
Wedding flights with music, singing
And aerial games.
The pines are clouding with golden mist
Of seed dust.
These clouds,
Murmuring currents of life,
Rushing into the lungs of birds,
Foaming in the primal
And human breath.
Love is a bright shower,
With flowers and lightnings,
She rings with blue bells.
Love is two electrons,
Merged in an incomprehensible whirling
Impossibly seeking disunion.
XIV. A margin.
I`m seeing out of the cart –
With green flame of sprouts
The spring splashed
Into the black earth waves of arables.
Two nearest hillock-twins,
Like firm maiden breasts,
Shining with golden fluff of the fields.
And the red stones on their tops –
Cold nips,
In the milk hazing of morning dew.
I`m harnessing the hazel one.
He strains his horsepowers,
With muscles pours them into motion.
Plough claws bite in.
Cods of soil – black roses,
Petals fall of
From the floor of a laughing plowshare.
She leads the horse the horse with the reins,
All so bright, so happy –
Soul of margins and fields.
Her bare feet are diving
Among black earth waves,
They are shining with black silver now.
- Soil, -
A great beloved of mine!
Reply is: -
Inside of you I am, plowman
And inside of your horse…
XV. A midday thunderstorm.
A blue-snow cloud nestled
To the sun's flaming cheeks,
It turns violet.
I feel the elusive breath
Of the chill of the world's space
In large, refreshing drops.
The clouds have become funneled,
Sprouting thunderstorms
And soon with the golden pinks of lightning
All is cut to an ache.
The electric wind
Dives into the black earth's waves.
Someone in the fields
With huge leaps catching lightning.
Atmospheric electrical dust
Fertilizes every drop.
The ozone smell widens our nostrils
And the horizons.
Explosions and thunder,
It's the tractor horse rumbling
And snorting gasoline.
The downpour and the sun caress us.
Drops of cellular honey
Drops of honey drip down our faces, our clothes
And smoking horse hair.
The earth is perfumed with sweat,
The sweet fumes
Pervades to the depths.
With my lips I feel it,
Through the rain's moisture,
The blue veins in the neck
Where the golden fuzz is
The frozen splashes of sunshine.
A whiff of clear purity.
The wheel of the raluga flashed
In a second-millionth jiggle,
Faster than thought.
That wondrous tremor
Sheds joy.
I am all earthly,
In spectral sparks,
Infused with the scent of falsehood.
I hear the light humming
Of worlds far away,
Through the rainbow, the sun,
And fresh tears of rain.
They weave a transparent wreath
Over the earth.
XVI. Twilight rolled on quickly.
The deep night watered the earth.
The stars ripened.
A fragrance poured from them,
The fresh breeze
Of shivering leaves of light.
Someone's nodding to me
In these singing branches.
A slight greeting,
An elusive movement from on high,
Suddenly pricked my nerves
With an iron strain.
I cut short my tale
Of wandering luminaries
And milky nebulae,
Which in the gardens of spring
Of plum and apple blossoms there.
- Sweetheart,
Leave me alone.
"The footsteps in the dewy grass are silent.
I stare at Mars unblinking.
Space melted and the distance exorbitant.
I see it like an open book,
Clear and close to the creepy.
I want to step back.
I see the shimmering of pulses,
The swaying wisps and flowers
Little dynamos
Radiating dust and fragrance...
Black walls of trees surround me.
I smell a hostile breath.
Threatening gestures of loose muscles.
The splash of wings,
The cries of owls
Slapping my cheeks.
The beating of a native deep beneath the earth.
My feet feel
The slight throbbing of veins of copper and iron
There in the depths.
A deep silence embraces me
And the hut.
I open my eyes, darkness,
I close them, darkness.
A strange restlessness sprouts in me.
The stifling fumes of decay
Suddenly came upon my body
On my lying body.
The darkness has thickened to a vein,
It slams into me,
And my lungs are seized.
I hear footsteps and stomping voices.
Forest men in beastly skins
At once they surround me.
My cheeks, through the wool,
Shivering with poisonous smiles.
- You are ours,
You are our man of iron!
They bind themselves with signs of the cross,
Shaking their hairy skins in prayer.
All the dark forces of the forest,
The beliefs of mossy antiquity
They surround the forest,
Hissing with their wings...
The shaggy ghosts roar
And shake their beards.
Suddenly an abyss grows,
The abyss grows wider and darker.
The island of light rumbles down
Into the blackness of the world.
I leap and shout:
- And lights and cars!
Grabbing my gun from the stage.
- No, we shall win!
A ray of starlight breaks through
I am at once soothed.
The cold barrel touches
On my flaming cheek.
A sweet caress drenches me.
I am stroked by a small palm
Of brushed steel,
Kisses my lips.
I feel the soul of the plant
That is present here.
XVII. The darkness becomes unbearable.
I'm drowning in it.
- Light, light!
I remembered a little flashlight.
An electric light bulb
Flashed a bright star.
I look at it with admiration,
Bringing it closer to my eyelashes
And I pull it away.
From the hut the shadows are running
With bent backs,
From this glittering bundle
Of golden stalks.
I draw near, I draw far.
My face shines with these kisses.
Night butterflies fly in,
They begin to whirl around me,
Swirling around Like dark planets
On secret orbits.
"The May beetle swoops
With a triumphant buzz
An invisible comet.
I feel the air swaying.
The musical sound has watered the hut.
Insects with transparent wings
Tremble and accumulate
With silver foam.
Luminous nebulae.
Along parabolas disappear into space.
The bat with clawed wings
The source of light
Hid for a moment
I stare unblinking into eternity.
The trembling of my star
Widens and wavers.
The giant world,
Flies swiftly towards me.
Blood rushes to my head.
With a metallic thump
My heart fills everything.
The heart collides with a star.
But it was one moment.
A new flash of unquenchable light
Embraced the morning dawn.
XVIII. Dynamo I must put
On the watermill.
Day and night it snorts.
So ancient,
All in green slime, in lichen,
Shaking her grey beard,
Shaking off the glacial age.
Foamy slopes spill from the weir.
And wooden lips sip insatiably
Out of the pond bowl:
The water curving, glossy back,
Unconsciously tops the turbine.
Crunching bones and cartilage
In stone teeth.
There's a clatter, a chant.
Grinding words sprinkle down:
- If with longing and laziness
If the head is clouded with laziness...
And the brain of the laziness
"If the brain of a lazy mind..,
Go to the mill
To spin the millstones.
The stone jaw chews and hums.
- Turn the millstone,
Turn the millstone!...
A thin squeak pierces through:
- Don't be a fool, don't be a fool!
I work for days and nights.
With what love I gather
The rusty body of the motor.
I stroke every part with a file.
And I caress the screws with the sandpaper
And every joint.
The mill foams and makes noise,
The hissing and hissing
And the hissing of hostile voices.
Shadows wave
Thickets and reeds
The woody ribs and the reeds
Into wooden ribs.
The blades
Above my head.
But my chisel under the hammer
The shrieks are more and more beggarly,
It cleaves this hiss,
The darkness
And the tongue of condensed chaos.
It slashes like the first cries
Of nascent life.
White dust snorts
From stone nostrils,
Blinding and suffocating.
The millstones are rolling
They want to snatch me,
But I am in creative flame.
Light fever shakes all my tissues
Shakes all my tissues.
With every movement of thought and muscle
Spreading gigantic
Electromagnetic waves.
They pierce the wooden womb
Of the mill.
- Dynamo,
How much joyous wine in you
And light fermentation!
The girl is my companion,
She helps me.
So timidly she takes
The iron parts, -
As if they would bite,
She gives me her tools, she burns them.
But sometimes
With tense and unmoving gaze,
Like a bird under fire,
She looks at me.
With what thoughts does this soul of the mill and the forest
The soul of the mill and the forest?
- I do not understand,
I don't understand how it's possible
Out of lifeless iron bones
To create a living body,
A wonderful body
In which the sun beats...
The mermaid's eyes weep.
She trembles in anticipation
Of the extraordinary
The unknown never to be known.
From sweeps and strokes I sweat.
That smell alarms her,
Her nostrils swell like a beast's.
At dusk she kissed
The blisters on my hands.
Rust stained her lips.
She has known the sweetness
And bitterness
The power of
And the passion of iron
XIX. The first light bulb flashed.
From what nebula,
What star rolled down.
Into those muddy reeds!
The crowd of men swayed -
The electric fingers pushed
The stone men,
Crushed with light.
Through straw beards flowed,
The smiles of smiles were wreathed.
Choking, they swallow the new light,
Drinking and drinking, handfuls and handfuls
From the spring of light,
"From the spring of light that bursts beneath the hand of man.
The sluice sobbed desperately
And hangs in foamy tresses.
On the skeletons of trees,
On the poles
We hung light nerves.
The wooden bones of the village squeezed.
With log ribs,
With brass muscles.
Hundreds of electric stings
Stabbed into the hearts of beasts
And men's hearts.
In the centuries-old blindness of the windows,
"The windows, smoked with matches,
The constellations have flashed.
New eyes have opened on the world.
Mikhail Gerasimov 1922
Retrieved from: https://goelro.mosmuseum.ru/poem/