Vasily Vasilyevich Kuptsov
Amazons of the Avant-Garde
Dead Man's Letters
Chashnik's Suprematism
Declaration electro-organism, 1922
Machine nature and literary machines of Andrey Platonov. From the book of I. Chubarov.
Operetta Ch. Lecocq's "Girofle-Girofla" (dir. Alexander Tairov, artist Yakulov)
Flight in the Work of Andrei Tarkovsky
Inventor Peter Vasilyevich Miturich
The Dragon (Yevgeny Zamyatin)
Sonya Delaunay in the Magazine "The Art of Dressing", 1928, No. 2.
Play a Kandinsky
A conversation about the film "Citizens of Space": Anton Vidokle, Anastasia Gacheva, Evgeny Kuchinov
Alexander Brodsky and Ilya Utkin: “Paper architecture"
"Marx on artistic restoration" Arvatov B. 2003
Ivan Ilyich Leonidov "City of the Sun"
"Separation from the Earth and merging with the Universe"
The Stenberg brothers. Russian Swedes in painting and theater.
Lebedev Yu. S. Bionics and the City of the Future. 1973
A NEW OPTIMISM(1923) Ivan Kliun